Geography Curriculum Statement

Why study Geography?
‘Geography illustrates the past, explains the present and prepares us for the future. What could be more important than that?’ Michael Palin
"Surely we all have a responsibility to care for our planet. The future of humanity and indeed all life on earth now depends on us." Sir David Attenborough
The aim of Geography teaching at Mrs Bland’s Infant and Nursery School is to inspire in pupils a sense of curiosity and understanding about the world in which they live, as well as their place in it. The curriculum is designed to give children a clear understanding of their immediate locality, the village in which they live, the UK and the wider world, and give them the opportunity to reflect on the relationship between them. It is also designed to widen children’s understanding of the diversity within the world, and to celebrate that.
In line with the National Curriculum (DfE 2014) the Geography Curriculum in Mrs Bland’s School has four strands:
- Locational Knowledge – naming and locating the four countries of the UK and bodies of water surrounding it; naming and locating the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world
- Place Knowledge comparing our locality to ones across the world, and understanding geographical similarities and differences
- Human and Physical Geography – identify key human and physical features; identifying weather patterns in the UK; locating hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the Poles
- Geographical Skills and Fieldwork using world maps, atlases, compasses, aerial photographs and plans, simple fieldwork in the local area
Teachers have identified the key knowledge and skills for each topic and these are mapped across the school, ensuring that knowledge builds progressively and that children develop skills systematically. Key knowledge is reviewed and revisited regularly to ensure key facts and concepts move into the children’s long-term memory. Teachers cater for the varying needs of all learners, adapting the curriculum where necessary and as appropriate, to ensure that everyone can access the Geography we teach. There is a clear focus on geographical vocabulary, which the children build upon year on year.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follows the ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ guidance which aims for all children in reception to have an ‘Understanding of the World; people and communities, the world and technology.’ Children in our Foundation Stage classes will:
- Talk about where they live
- Learn that they live in England
- Talk about different places that they visit e.g. the park, the beach, the farm and can begin to talk about similarities and differences
- Explore maps and make their own maps, linked to stories they share
In Key Stage One Planning is informed by and aligned with the National Curriculum, and the four key strands (as outlined above) are covered and revisited.
By the time the children at Mrs Bland’s Nursery and Infant School finish Year 2 they will have:
-Developed an awareness of the local area, and their place within it
-Developed a clear understanding of the UK, and the characteristics of the different countries within it, celebrating similarities and differences.
-Developed a clear understanding of the continents of the world and their place within this
-Have a secure understanding of human and physical geography
-Have a secure foundation of geographical vocabulary
Monitoring and evaluation
Learning walks, collecting of books and observations will all form part of monitoring. Evidence will be collected from each year group and collated by the subject lead. Each year group will plan lessons that facilitate the learning of new skills and the development of existing learned techniques. Planning will allow cross-curricular links and support the extended use of vocabulary across the curriculum. Pupil voice is important to ensure that an awareness of successes, challenges and further opportunities are appreciated.
You can view our long term overview for geography by clicking here
Click the link below to View/download the Learning Journey for Geography by class year and term
YR Geography Learning Journey Autumn Term 1
YR Geography Learning Journey Autumn Term 2
YR Geography Learning Journey Spring Term 1
YR Geography Learning Journey Spring Term 2
YR Geography Learning Journey Summer Term 1
YR Geography Learning Journey Summer Term 2
Y1 Geography Learning Journey Summer Term 2
Y1 Geography Learning Journey Autumn Term 1
Y1 Geography Learning Journey Autumn Term 2
Y1 Geography Learning Journey Spring Term 1
Y1 Geography Learning Journey Spring Term 2
Y1 Geography Learning Journey Summer Term 1
Y1 Geography Learning Journey Summer Term 2
Y2 Geography Learning Journey Autumn Term 1
Y2 Geography Learning Journey Autumn Term 2
Y2 Geography Learning Journey Spring Term 1
Y2 Geography Learning Journey Spring Term 2
Y2 Geography Learning Journey Summer Term 1
Y2 Geography Learning Journey Summer Term 2
What do the children think of Geography at Mrs Bland’s Infant and Nursery School?
“I like learning about different places in the world, especially the ones that are really far away.”
“We get to look at maps. I saw my house on the map!”
“We get to sing the Continents Song in Geography, which is really funny!”