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School Uniform


Our School uniform is smart, practical and gives the children a sense of belonging and identity with our school community.  You can obtain the uniform, with logo, from  Oliver Signs in Burghfield (further details below) and we strongly urge all parents to ensure name tags are used in all clothes and bags before bringing them to school. There is a link to Stikins, great, long lasting name labels at the bottom of the page.


School Uniform - All Pupils


Navy blue trousers, pinafore or skirt.  Pale blue long sleeved blouse, shirt or polo shirt and a royal blue cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt with the school logo.  Blue or grey tights or socks.


Blue/white checked (gingham) dress, Navy blue shorts, short sleeved pale blue shirt or polo shirt with a royal blue cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt with the school logo


Sensible black flat shoes must be worn both summer and winter.  No open toe sandals or boots.  Where necessary Blue hairbands/ribbons can be worn.

PE Kit

All children require a house colour T-shirt, (this will be provided when your child starts reception) navy blue shorts and trainers.  Navy tracksuits are also required for outdoor activities and can also be used as a spare set of clothes.  All items of the PE kit should be labelled and kept in school in the child's PE bag (kindly provided by the PTA),

No rucksacks please.

(See Stikins link below)

Outdoor Sport

Tracksuits and suitable outdoor trainers are needed for colder weather

Outdoor Learning

Please provide a long sleeved top and trousers.  Waterproof clothing and footwear is necessary for wet weather and warm layers are essential if it is cold.  A change of clothes is advisable if the weather is wet.


Stikins Name Labels

Buy Uniform Labels

You can find information about Stikins name labels by clicking through the above link.    If you do order through our Stikins link, the school will receive commission which goes into School Funds.  Thank you.

More information on Stikins  and school fundraising can be found here

Uniform Supply

All School Uniform including PE kit is available from Oliver Signs in Burghfield.  You can order online, see link below.

Alternatively, you can  visit Oliver Signs as they hold limited stock for purchase - otherwise you will need to order from them.

Their address is: The Hatchgate Garage, Burghfield, Reading, RG30 3TH.

0118 983 4768