We are very grateful to have a full team of experienced, dedicated and professional staff at Mrs Bland's. Our teachers and support staff will ensure that your child has the best learning experience possible whilst in our care. We strive to bring out the best in each child and instil a sense of confidence, respect, responsibility and a 'can do' attitude to learning.
Mrs C C Rose
Executive Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs S Williams
Head of School & EYFS Lead
Mrs J Dell
Operations Manager
Mrs Loupos-Reed
Yr 1 Teacher, KS1 Lead
Ms G Phillips
Little Acorns EYFS Lead Practitioner
Ms C Springer
Little Acorns EYFS Practitioner
Mrs Sharratt
Little Acorns EYFS Practitioner
Mrs C Reynolds
Little Acorns EYFS practitioner
Mrs S Begum
Little Acorns EYFS Practitioner
Mrs K Tanner
Acorns Nursery Class Teacher
Mrs Hitt
Acorns Nursery EYFS Practitioner
Mrs Rosier
Acorns Nursery EYFS Practitioner
Mrs L Nagle
Beech class Teacher
Mrs B Owens
Beech class: TA
Mrs F Sheehan
Beech class: TA
Mrs Hastings
Beech class: LSA
Ms C Springer
Beech class LSA (shared responsibility)
Year 1
Mrs M Pettifer
Birch class teacher
Mrs C Gillham
Birch class: LSA
Mrs S Lambarth
Birch class: TA
Ms D Lambarth
Birch class TA
Mrs Loupos-Read
Cherry class teacher, KS1 lead
Mrs S Buchan
Cherry class: LSA (shared responsibility)
Mrs T Hastings
Cherry class LSA (shared responsibility)
Mrs L Duly
Cherry class: TA
Year 2
Miss L Kendal
Hazel class Teacher
Mr O Brown
Hazel class: LSA
Mrs R Vickers
Hazel class LSA
Mrs H Painter
Rowan class Teacher (shared responsibility)
Mrs S Goby
Rowan class teacher (shared responsibility)
Miss S Richardson
Rowan class: LSA
Mrs L Marshall
Year 2 TA
Mrs Fox
Mrs Hodson
ELSA Assistant
Mrs S Goby
SEN support teacher
Miss M Cox
EYFS ELSA assistant, Learning Mentor
Specialist Teachers
Mr D Williams
Sports Coach
Ms Duncan
Yr 2 Support/Music Specialist
Admin Staff
Mrs A Sutherland
School Receptionist
Mrs E Shumsky
School Finance Officer
Mrs S Begum
School Housekeeping
Mrs K Tanner
School Housekeeping
Mr T Codling
Mrs Malyn
Clerk to the Governors
Breakfast Bees & Bumble Bees
Mrs Owens
Miss Lambarth
Assistant Playleader
Mrs Buchan
Play Worker
Miss C Tanner
Play Worker
Miss B Karas
Mr O Brown
Ms Phillips
Mrs Hitt
Mrs Sharratt
Lunchtime Carers
Mrs Lambarth
Lunchtime Supervisor
Mr Edwards
Lunchtime Carer
Miss B Karas
Lunchtime Carer
Catering Team
Miss R Vickers
Catering Assistant
M. Vidal
School Chef
Mrs R Bowen
Catering Assistant