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Quote by Thomas Berger "The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge"


At Mrs Blands school we encourage the children to think that we can all be scientists. We are curious, we share ideas, explore our environment and ask questions to find out the answers to things we don’t not know yet.  
We often carry out investigations and use our scientific thinking skills during our outdoor learning sessions as well as in the classroom. 

Lesson plan for long experiment
Year 2 complete a longitudinal study across the year. Revisiting their area at different points in the year and describing changes they can see.

We believe that children learn through a variety of ways and, where possible, plan extra-curricular trips or opportunities to help this. In Nursery we use 'Insect Lore' caterpillar eggs and observe how caterpillars change into butterflies. 

  • In Year R we visit Rushall farm as part of our topic on how things grow. 
  • Year 1 go to Marwell zoo as part of their Animals around the world topic. 
  • Year 2 learn about materials and their properties through their Autumn 1 Castles topic.


In line with the national curriculum, we have designed and planned a science curriculum which links with our topics throughout the year and ensures opportunities for progression across the year groups and opportunities to revisit learning through quizzes to help consolidate the knowledge learnt. 

Lessons are adapted to meet the needs of the children in each class, staff encourage and model key language. We use ‘Lets Investigate’ tasks to assess what the children know and give them opportunities to ask questions, make observations and record findings. 

image of children planting beans in compost
Planting beans in year R and recording and measuring using cubes

Image of beans planted in cups on classroom windowsillimage of growth chart for beans




The children at Mrs Blands can all talk about science with enthusiasm and can describe what they have been learning. 

Image of children in a lets investigate experiment
Their learning is recorded in different ways in their books using written work, diagrams, photos and pupil voice. In Early years, science is recorded on Seesaw and in their learning journeys with a mixture of child-initiated and adult-led learning. 

Image of nursery children experimenting with materials to make bridges
Nursery children experimenting with materials to make bridges

There is a central electronic science folder for all teachers to add photos and videos of science evidence as well as their outdoor learning folder too.
The curriculum will be adapted for different children's needs.






You can  view/download our Science Long Term Plan as a PDF file by clicking here

Click the links below to View/download the Learning Journey for Science by class year and term

YR Science Learning Journey Autumn Term 1

YR Science Learning Journey Autumn Term 2

YR Science Learning Journey Spring Term 1

YR Science Learning Journey Spring Term 2

YR Science Learning Journey Summer Term 1

YR Science Learning Journey Summer Term 2

Y1 Science Learning Journey Autumn Term 1

Y1 Science Learning Journey Autumn Term 2

Y1 Science Learning Journey Spring Term 1

Y1 Science Learning Journey Spring Term 2

Y1 Science Learning Journey Summer Term 1

Y1 Science Learning Journey Summer Term 2

Y2 Science Learning Journey Autumn Term 1

Y2 Science Learning Journey Autumn Term 2

Y2 Science Learning Journey Spring Term 1

Y2 Science Learning Journey Spring Term 2

Y2 Science Learning Journey Summer Term