Physical Education
At Mrs Blands Infant and Nursery School, we consider Physical Education an important part of the National Curriculum. We are passionate about keeping children active as well as developing competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
We intend to design a Physical Education curriculum with appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out by the National Curriculum and EYFS framework. We also have an outdoor learning curriculum that we follow which encourages children to lead active and healthy lives.
Mrs Blands implements a Physical Education Curriculum that:
- Allows children to develop fundamental movement skills and master basic movements to develop the skills and abilities by nurturing the basic skills in EYFS and building on those skills in KS1.
- Enables children to take part in team games developing the skills required to access competitive games.
- Teaches EYFS and KS1 children to perform dances and to watch and comment on dances. Dance is one of the milestones that we aim for children to work on throughout their time at school.
- Allows children to develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance, through athletics and gymnastics.
- Allows children to comment on their own and others’ achievements, to make improvements or evaluate and recognise their own success.
- Enables children to take part in outdoor learning activities.
- Teaches them how to be safe near water.
By providing our Physical Education curriculum with a variety of different opportunities to develop their skills, competence and competitiveness, we hope that our children will understand the importance of regular physical activity, as part of an active and healthy lifestyle exercise. This includes how exercise can help with our mental health through mindfulness breathing activities and yoga.
The children at Mrs Blands will experience a broad and balanced curriculum of sports and activities so that every child can find a sport to embrace. The aim is that every child can achieve or exceed age-related expectations in Physical Education. The children get to experience different sports in the after school and lunchtime clubs run by our Sports Teacher. Children are celebrated for any sports they do out of school and they get to share different sports like karting and ice hockey in our 'Inspire' Assemblies. By sharing the dangers of water and how to keep safe around water, we can give the children life-saving skills if they were to fall into water.
We measure the impact of our Physical Curriculum at Mrs Blands by ongoing monitoring of children’s learning by both class teachers, the external sports teacher and the PE lead delivering curriculum content. This assessment is used to inform adaptations, and any support and challenge required by children. Summative assessment is recorded on assessment grids. This then informs the subject lead of progress or skills and knowledge still to be embedded. The Physical Education subject leader monitors the implementation of the curriculum through lesson observation, modelling lessons, staff and pupil surveys and organises training when needed.
EYFS staff track pupils' progress and attainment using photo and video observations using the sharing platform Seesaw.
You can view our Long term plan for Physical Education by clicking here